one should pay ones debts, it makes life easier. It also motivates one, to stay out of debt and put aside a substantial amount of savings. Life is hard. only by saving money can you make it easier and safer.

Larry King went bankrupt twice, he was a rich man who was bad with money. If you spend every cent you make you will always be poor even if you are a millionaire. Learn to budget. Learn to save. Learn to be happy.

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You wrote: "Life is hard. only by saving money can you make it easier and safer." I agree that life is hard. But I definitely think there are things we can do besides saving money that make life easier and safer. For example, someone who uses their money to fund their ideas and their dreams gains a sense of safety that they can stay true to themselves, even if they don't have money.

Safety is relative. I think money is a tool to get the life we want. We are all going to die, we could get hit by a truck any time we cross the street, so money can only buy so much safety before it's tossing dollars to the wind..

Perhaps money isn't always the best way to go after making life safer. Money is just easier to quantify and measure than other tools for getting the life we want.

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I grew up poor and realized early money was an insulation between the hardships of the world. I was very creative and knew I could have a career of some sort in the arts, I also knew it would mostly be hand to mouth.

Instead I sold my labour and put as much aside as I could, but though I was not cut out for "the business" world, I was clever enough to carve a spot and be in enough demand to retire finally at 70 years of age. My body was not to destroyed by my efforts and perhaps god will smile on me for a few more years.

Money is indeed a poor measure to weigh the world by, and yet it is the one we are forced to use. My father grew up in the depression (my mother as well) they told me don't take credit when its offered as its a leash to enslave you, and dont trust banks. - They give me little else in the way of money, but they did raise me as well as they could along with my 7 siblings.

The words they gave were worth more than any money could have been, it helped to structure my llife so I could be independent and watch those around me imprison themselves in luxury and stupidity and the misery of trying to fill the holes in their sole with material goods.

I too subscribe to the theory llife is chaotic and it can all end in a moment. I do wish to end my life in a pleasant surrounding, at peace, perhaps on a farm. But as john lennon notes, "life is what happens to us, while we are making plans of what to do with it."

We do the best we can, but must always watch for the traps set for us by our "betters" as they are a devious lot, clearly without our best interest in minds.

Having reached my glorious old age, I realize man is a truly a beast of burden and we are only happy if occupied with labor, be it mental or physical, and to age well it needs to be alot of both.

so if my savings can help me choose the labors of my choice, then it for me has been a life saver.

We are all different and need different things. I wish you the best in your efforts to find the things to help you reach you path, consider though caution and dreams in equal measure are needed to secure the way forward.

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